The Trademark Clearinghouse: Protecting your Trademark(s) Online
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is responsible for managing the domain name system. And with ICANN's approval of the new gTLD program, a multitude of new gTLDs could be on the horizon in which trademark holders need to be aware of. In an effort to help trademark holders, ICANN has created the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). Launching on March 26, 2013, the TMCH will be the most important rights protection mechanism/tool that ICANN is providing for the new gTLD program. In a nutshell, the TMCH allows brand/trademark owners to submit their trademark data into one centralized database, prior to and during the launch of new gTLDs, for better protection and registration of domains under one's own trademarks. The TMCH is a one-stop-solution for protecting your brand in the new gTLD era.
Any trademark holder, private person, or company can submit their trademark to the Clearinghouse. Please download the Clearinghouse guidelines for all the details and information regarding eligibility. The TMCH protects brands in two ways: with a Sunrise Service and a Trademark Claims Service.
How TMCH works:
- Trademark holders will be able to submit their trademark information to a centralized repository as of March 26, 2013
- After verification, the trademark holder has fulfilled the basic (most important) condition to be able to register its respective domain name during the pre-registration period of multiple TLDs – also known as the "Sunrise period".
- Trademark holders will also have the option to be notified when someone registers a domain name that matches their trademark record in the Clearinghouse.
HEXONET is proud to have Indeca GmbH as a strategic partner for this service. Indeca will assist any clients who need additional guidance when it comes to registering their TradeMarks with the TMCH. Together, customers and clients now have access to a full scope of new gTLD services from trademark services to pre-registration and eventually to registration for the various new gTLD launch phases.
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